ITN Distribution Strategy Decision Flowchart


  • There are a variety of options for channels to use to reach and maintain universal access. This flowchart takes you through the major considerations.
  • Mass campaigns are equally as cost-effective as large-scale school or community CD systems.
  • Mass campaigns plus school/community in non-campaign years is only cost-effective at high transmission levels.


  • Countries using this flowchart are curious about whether alternatives to mass campaigns are right for them.
  • Flowchart assumes some level of political will/desire to explore other ITN strategies. There is always the option to maintain mass campaigns + ANC/EPI channels.
  • Flowchart can be used nationally, or sub nationally (for a particular region or set of regions with similar characteristics, for example).
  • Flowchart assumes countries will ‘scale-up’ ITN coverage with a mass campaign prior to initiating large-scale continuous channels.

Access the flowchart here [PowerPoint].