Select the topic below to access resources for that topic area.
- Policy, People, Resources: Why some countries have scaled up with school based distribution, why others have not, and subsequent recommendations
- School and community-based ITN distribution cost study report
- School-based ITN Distribution Step-by-Step Exemplar
- School-Based ITN Distribution Step-by-Step Template
- Supervision Checklist for Assessing Continuous Distribution of ITNs at Health Facilities – updated September 2022
- ITN Continuous Distribution Assessment Toolkit Methods and Materials (related materials)
- Continuous Long-lasting Insecticidal Net Distribution: A Guide to Concepts and Planning
- Guide to Health Facility-based Distribution of Insecticide-treated Nets
- LLINs for Continuous and Campaign Distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Collation of Global Funding Commitments for 2011-2016
- School-based Distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets: A Short Guide Based on Recent Country Experience
- Guide to Community-based Distribution of Insecticide-treated Nets
- School-based Field Assessment Guide
- How to Conduct a Field Assessment
- School Distribution Supervision Guide
- Teacher’s Guide to Malaria
- Preventing, identifying and mitigating the impact of fraud, theft and diversion of insecticide treated nets: A summary of experiences and best practice from country programmes
- Politique, personnes, ressources: Les raisons pour lesquelles certains pays ont procédé à une mise à l’échelle de la distribution en milieu scolaire, pourquoi d’autres ne l’ont pas fait et les recommandations résultantes
- Rapport d’anlyse decoûts de distributions de MII à base communautaire et en milieu scolaire réalisées en 2020
- Distribution de MII en milieu scolaire modèle étape par étape
- Distribution des MII en milieu scolaire: modèle étape par étape planification et mise en oeuvre
- Liste de contrôle pour l’évaluation de la distribution continue des MII dans les établissements de santé lors des supervisions
- Boite a outils de l’evaluation de la distribution continue de moustiquaires impregnees d’insecticide (MII) materials et methodes (related materials)
- Distributions continues de moustiquaires imprégnées longue durée: Guide pour la conception et la plantification
- Guide pour les systèmes de dis-tribution des MILD par l’inter-médiaire des établissements de sant : Guide récapitulatif basé sur des expériences nationales récentes
- LLIN destinées à la distribution continue et aux campagnes de distribution en Afrique sub‐saharienne : rappel des engagements pris par le Fonds mondial pour 2011‐2016
- Distribution scolaire de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide à longue durée d’action Guide récapitulatif basé sur des expériences nationales récentes
- Guide de Distribution Communautaire d’ITN
- Éviter, détecter et limiter les conséquences de la fraude, du vol et du détournement de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticide
- Strategy Design on Community LLIN Distribution_Nigeria
- Implementation Guidelines for Continuous Distribution in Ghana
- Strategy design on community distribution_Senegal_french
- Strategy design for CD through communities in South Sudan
- Strategy design for CD – Zambia
- Framework for describing distribution mechanisms
- Strategy Matrix Template
- Overview of contextual information required
- Overview of Distribution Mechanisms
- Question table to guide choice of distribution options
- Template for community LLIN Slip Coupon
- Planning Checklist for CD Implementation
- Sample chronogram for planning and management of CD
- Example Chronogram for ANC/EPI distribution
- Outline of draft implementation guideline
- Sample letter from NMCP
- Coordination committee TOR Kenya example
- Example School CD Budget 2017
- NetCALC 3.2 User Instructions
- Coupon / voucher (generic) for community distributions
- Sample Meeting Schedule for CD Assessment
- CD Assessment Debrief Presentation (including flowcharts)
- Microplanning Table School-based Distribution
- School LLIN Distribution Microplanning Workshop Agenda
- Microplanning sheet_Primary School Format
- Microplanning sheet_Secondary School Format
- Microplanning Table School-based Distribution
- Data Validation for School-Based ITN Distributions: Lessons Learned from Tanzania, Ghana, and Nigeria
- Validation Tool Template
- Waybill and Stock sheet
- Cost and implications of accountability recommendations
- Risk through the ITN supply chain table
- Sample transport plan
- Storage Planning
- DELIVER Project Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bed Net Packaging – USAID
- Stock / store card and waybill template
- Preventing, identifying and mitigating the impact of fraud, theft and diversion of insecticide treated nets: A summary of experiences and best practice from country programmes
- The Supply Chain Manager’s Handbook: a practical guide for the supply chain management of health commodities – JSI
- Guidelines for managing the malaria supply chain: a companion to the logistics handbook – USAID/DELIVER
- Fraud risk management: a guide to good practice – Chartered Institute of Management Accounts
- Risk through the ITN supply chain table
- Cost and implications of accountability recommendations
- Teacher’s Guide to Malaria
- Community distribution job aid – Nigeria
- School learning aid – Classroom wall chart – Nigeria
- School learning classroom malaria pledge poster – Nigeria
- Community distribution Poster – Zanzibar
- Communication Guide for Teachers Promoting Malaria Prevention Through Primary Schools
- Social and Behavior Change for Insecticide-treated Nets Toolkit
- School distribution and end process monitoring forms
- Protocol for evaluation of CD
- Community Health Facility Register
- Community household needs assessment form
- Distribution registers and summary forms for schools
- Community-based distribution evaluation survey questionnaire
- School-based distribution evaluation survey questionnaire
- Distribution registers for community based distribution
- Distribution registers and summary forms for schools
- Distribution registers for community based distribution
- Summary forms for community based distributions
- Community-based distribution evaluation survey questionnaire
- School-based distribution evaluation survey questionnaire
- Community household needs assessment form
- DRC: Formulaire III: Rapport Mensuel Complémentaire au SNIS
- Kenya: Child Welfare Clinic (CWC) register (page 45 in the Health Sector Indicator and Standard Operating Procedures Manual for Health Workers May 2008)
- Demographic and Health Survey Core Household Module, question 135, source of net
- Lesson in Brief 1: Kenya – Making it Work: The Big Picture
- Lesson in Brief 2: Kenya – Making it Work: Integrated Supply and Supervision
- Lesson in Brief 3: Malawi – Accountable Partnership: Singing from the Same Songbook & Knowing the Score
- Lesson in Brief 4: Malawi -Logistics, Logistics, Logistics
- Lesson in Brief 5: Tanzania -The Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (TNVS): Keeping up with ‘Keep-up’
- Lesson in Brief 6: Nigeria -School Distribution in Nigeria
- Lesson in Brief 7: Tanzania – Making Targeted Subsidies Fast and Flexible The TNVS eVoucher
- Lesson in Brief 8: S. Sudan -Community-based distribution: “Pulling” it off in South Sudan
- Lesson in Brief 9: Tanzania – Piloting School Net Distribution in Mainland Tanzania
- Lesson in Brief 10: Senegal -Senegal’s Push and Pull Combination Strategy
- Lesson in Brief 11: Ghana – Mixed Model Scores Coverage Points
- Lesson in Brief 12: Nigeria – Community-based Distribution in Nigeria
- Lesson in Brief 13: CAR – Ensuring insecticide-treated net (ITN) access and use in spite of COVID-19, insecurity and health system challenges
- En bref n° 1: Kenya (French)
- En bref n° 2: Kenya -Fonctionnement : approvisionnement et supervision intégrés (French)
- En bref n° 3: Malawi -Partenariat responsable : jouer la même partition et connaître la chanson (French)
- En bref n° 4: Malawi -La logistique avant tout (French)
- En bref n° 5: Tanzania -Le Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (TNVS) : continuer à « se maintenir »(French)
- En bref n° 6: Nigéria -Distribution en milieu scolaire au Nigéria (French)
- En bref n° 7: Tanzania – Rendre les subventions ciblées rapides et flexibles Le coupon électronique du TNVS (French)
- En bref n° 8: Soudan du Sud -Distribution à base communautaire: Encourager la demande au Soudan du Sud (French)
- En bref n° 9: Tanzania -Projet pilote de distribution de moustiquaires en milieu scolaire en Tanzanie continentale (French)
- En bref n° 10: Sénégal -La stratégie combinée « push » et « pull » au Sénégal (French)
- En bref n° 11: Ghana – Le modèle mixte du Ghana augmente la couverture des foyers (French)
- En bref n° 12: Nigéria – distribution communautaire au Nigéria (French)
- Multi-country review of ITN routine distribution data: are ANC and EPI channels achieving their potential?
- Annual distributions of insecticide-treated nets to schoolchildren and other key populations to maintain higher ITN access than with mass campaigns: a modelling study for mainland Tanzania
- Evaluation of long-lasting insecticidal net distribution through schools in Southern Tanzania
- Costs of insecticide-treated bed net distribution systems in sub-Saharan Africa
- . Sustaining LLIN coverage with continuous distribution: the school net programme in Tanzania
- Coverage outcomes (effects), costs, cost-effectiveness, and equity of two combinations of long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution channels in Kenya: a two-arm study under operational conditions
- Systematic review and meta-analysis of the cost and cost-effectiveness of distributing insecticide-treated nets for the prevention of malaria
- Evaluating Effectiveness of Mass and Continuous Long-lasting Insecticidal Net Distributions Over Time in Madagascar: A Sentinel Surveillance Based Epidemiological Study
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of a school ITN distribution program in Cross River State, Nigeria
- Impact of a 15-month multi-channel continuous distribution pilot on ITN ownership and access in Eastern Region, Ghana
- Can school-based distribution be used to maintain coverage of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets: evidence from a large scale programme in southern Tanzania?
- Evaluation of community-based continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets in Toamasina II District, Madagascar
- Evaluation of a continuous community-based ITN distribution pilot in Lainya County, South Sudan 2012–2013
- School Distribution as Keep-Up Strategy to Maintain Universal Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets: Implementation and Results of a Program in Southern Tanzania
- Operational challenges to continuous LLIN distribution: a qualitative rapid assessment in four countries
- Repeated mass distributions and continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets: modelling sustainability of health benefits from mosquito nets, depending on case management
- Analysing and recommending options for maintaining universal coverage with long-lasting insecticidal nets: the case of Tanzania in 2011
- Review of delivery strategies for insecticide treated mosquito nets – are we ready for the next phase of malaria control efforts?